Book spaces, products and persons with Julius Booking System

In Julius Booking System you can find all your company's booking calendars in the same place. With Julius it is easier to manage bookings and your booking calendars are always updated.

You can enhance Julius Booking System with options such as the interface to access control of booked location, connection and data transfer to the billing system and immediate web payment services.

Read more about Julius Booking System and try our demo here: Read more.


Did you know that the name Julius cames from the Julian calendar, which is proposed by Julius Caesar. In the Julian calendar year is 365 days. In Finland we use nowdays the Gregorian calender where in one year are 365,25 days.


Ask free introduction or offer from our customer service: +358 50-572 7400.


We in ActiveSoft Oy develope Julius Booking System to answer for our customers needs. The latest reform is connection to Ceepos payment platform: www.cpu.fien/home/ Ask more from our customer service!